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Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd V.VM

Alternate Symbol(s):  VYYRF

Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a Canada-based company engaged in the development of barium and iodine Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) and offers high-performance imaging contrast agents. The Company is focused on vertically integrating the barium and iodine contrast market, and aims at producing its own barium, iodine, and endo fullerenes. The Company’s products include SmoothX, SmoothHD, SmoothLD, VisionHD, VisionLD and V-Gas. SmoothX (2%w/v) is a contrast medium for use in computed tomography (CT) of the gastrointestinal tract. VisionHD is a high-density (98% w/w) barium powder suspension tailored for double-contrast radiographic examination of the gastrointestinal tract, esophagus, stomach and duodenum. It also owns a 100% interest in the Frances Creek barium sulfate (barite) project, which is a rare grade mineral suitable for the pharmaceutical marketplace that is intended to replace the current synthetic products with quality imaging products.

TSXV:VM - Post by User

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  • sylvain_007X
Post by sylvain_007on Jan 22, 2025 8:53am
Post# 36414779

ASK and BID at 0,165 now and we're going to 0,20

ASK and BID at 0,165 now and we're going to 0,20First step, 0,20 before 0,30. Probably ten bagger or more after 6 months just before FDA accept the results of the actual study. The future appears so good, i am just thinking when the great pharma will make an offer for VM. 
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