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Viscount Mining Corp V.VML

Alternate Symbol(s):  VLMGF

Viscount Mining Corp. is a Canada-based project generator and an exploration company. The Company has a portfolio of silver and gold properties in the Western United States, including Silver Cliff in Colorado and Cherry Creek in Nevada. The Silver Cliff property in Colorado lies within the historic Hardscrabble Silver District in the Wet Mountain Range, Custer County, south-central Colorado. It is located 44 miles WSW of Pueblo, Colorado. The property consists of 929.6 hectares high grade silver, gold and base metal production. The Cherry Creek Property focus is on the exploration in the immediate vicinity of an area known as the Cherry Creek Mining District, located approximately 50 miles north of the town of Ely, in White Pine County, Nevada. Cherry Creek consists of 578 unpatented and 41 patented claims as well as mill rights and is comprised of more than 5090.19 hectares. Cherry Creek includes more than 20 past producing mines including Blue Bird, Chance Mine, Filmore, and others.

TSXV:VML - Post by User

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  • Henrich428X
Post by Henrich428on May 31, 2021 10:26am
Post# 33295823

Two brief points

Two brief points1) They need a name-change to Viscount Silver. 2) 110 million ounces is nearly as big a resource as that of Silver One; grade is equivalent. But mcap only 1/6th the size! Absurd.
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