Very Good de Cardinal 
@cardinal In regards to 4.0. My understanding is that it’s almost complete now. The testing, validation, implementation etc take some time. I believe all that will commence around the world early new year. Including Brazil.
the email and the MD&A both include mention of Edison launch which the exact date of is still a GEHC secret, so yes I know what you mean.
2022 a few weeks and 2023 is coming is the year for our patience the long GO VPT $$$ this game will be behind us with sales news and Edison launch


8. The relationship with GE Healthcare through its Edison program remains strong and growing stronger. GE Healthcare is in control of the launch of any new products arising from the Edison program of which Ventripoint is an innovator partner. 9. GE Healthcare control 40% or the market and the other 60% of the market will be addressed by Ventripoint’s developing distributor network. 10. Ventripoint will continue to announce regional distributors when they are appointed. Thank you for your support and interest as we continue to improve cardiac diagnostics for everyone, everywhere and especially for children. Regards, Dr. George Adams ICD.D