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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum VentriPoint Diagnostics Ltd V.VPT

Alternate Symbol(s):  VPTDF

Ventripoint Diagnostics Ltd. is a Canada-based medical device company. It is engaged in the development and commercialization of diagnostic tools to monitor patients with heart disease. It develops a suite of applications for all heart diseases and imaging modalities, including congenital heart disease, pregnancy, pulmonary hypertension, COVID-19, technically difficult imaging and... see more

TSXV:VPT - Post Discussion

VentriPoint Diagnostics Ltd > Gotta love this paragraph...
Post by Yajne on Sep 15, 2021 10:48pm

Gotta love this paragraph...

from GA's letter after update #1, and the anticipated launch from GEHC [GE Health Care]. Lot's to look forward to here...unless you simply don't believe GA.....I do. GLTA longs!

"I know everyone wants to hear more about the GEHC collaboration, but they have muzzled us as they want the launch to be a big surprise and view any news as competitive information.  Elephants are like that!  As I have said before - you do not take an elephant for a walk, the elephant takes you for a walk."
Comment by InvrsContrarian on Sep 15, 2021 10:56pm
Yes that stuck out to me too!