Comment by DoctorMoreauon Aug 29, 2023 1:15pm

Post# 35610168
RE:RE:RE:RE:Timber!!!!!!!!!!!In the past they have driven the price down for financings. I know that this is “tongue and cheek” banter, but I’m pretty sure that most of management paid their mortgages off in the late seventies! Lol. I think that the five year expiry date on the last round of options is a joke. The options will most likely outlive half of the board. I wonder if they have a succession plan? As far as final stage updates go, I doubt there will be any as there were never any initial stage updates. This thing is all about rumours and inside info. Very hard for outsiders to stay calm while kept in the dark! We keep hearing news is imminent. One of these days I guess! All I know is that I need the profit more than they do!!!