Comment by stoptheleyeson Aug 20, 2024 10:45am

Post# 36187819 is MIA is MIASo Peanuts you think after several years of Wilton diluting the share price with PPs and not issuing any news releases regarding progress in their business dealings that it is time to feel sorry for RA because someone posted Wiltons phone # on this sight? NOTE: phone#s are very easy to get.
I think it is time to feel sorry for the shareholders who can't get any support for their investment in this company. I'm not sure if the Securities Commission allows a company to delist a phone#?
Im not quoting RA but at the AGM last year he said that Wilton was very close to closing a deal in Libya, that was 15 months ago. Maybe it's time that RA answers some of those STUPID AZZ questions.
If we publish RAs address maybe we could send him some sympathy fruit baskets so he doesn't feel too upset.
PS: Peanuts can you sends us your method of Due Diligence.