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W=SFA Wil is a zero force like gravity. But even more undetectable. We can observe the effects of gravity, but cannot see it, or know of it is a particle or wave or both or neither.
Wilton is even more mysterious. It defies all reason for being, it has produced little to no extra energy.
Millions of dollars in, with nothing escaping back outward. Like a black hole, but observations can be made on the event horizon inferring the black holes existence. wil is like a black hole without an event horizon. Money goes in, apparently and there is no indication of a response. No detectable events as it were. Maybe it's not a cumulative mass effect, maybe it is absolute zero, where all matter and anti matter are destroyed without being able to be measured.
A part of space time that neither exists or doesn't exist simultaneously. Like shrodinger's cat, it both exists and does not exist at the same time.
Willy is a wonder for sure.
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