Comment by urmoneyfasttalkon Dec 08, 2020 12:13pm

Post# 32058303
RE:RE:News: Not sue why I post anymore!
RE:RE:News: Not sue why I post anymore! Really wouldn't matter if Elon Musk was looking at purchasing PGM/nickel or GOLD from one our project teams would still have the same results. News or no news.
Gold went up to $2,100 US /oz that is 2.3 times more gain where did this stock go they sold it off!! Go figure now that's awesome. What do I know, this stock has been a solid flat for years, but I'm waiting for management to start making a difference on all their positive news. Better media coverage kick start investors into value plays even better placed project teams to help achieve greatness in Canada.
Vaccine is here or around here, only 300 vaccines in UK todays roll out and they will need to come back in 30 days for the second shot. 18, 000 positive cases in the UK and 300 seniors get the vaccine today awesome way to go. How many of them do think will wear masks for 30 days or social distance themselves?