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Transition Metals Corp V.XTM

Alternate Symbol(s):  TNTMF

Transition Metals Corp. is a Canada-based multi-commodity explorer. The Company is engaged in the acquisition and exploration of mineral exploration properties in Canada and the United States. Its projects include Thunder Bay nickel-copper-Platinum Group Metals (Ni-Cu-PGM’s), Saskatchewan (Cu), Abitibi (Au), and Sudbury Area copper-gold-Tungsten (Cu-Au and W) and Other. The Pike Warden property is located approximately 65 kilometers southwest of Whitehorse, Yukon, and is composed of around 203 contiguous mining claims totaling 41 square kilometers. Its Thunder Bay Ni-Cu-Pgm Projects include Sunday Lake, (25% carried), Saturday Night (100%), Owl Lake (100%) and Maude Lake (100%) projects. Its Abitibi projects include Gowganda Gold, Cryderman, and Pipestone (Joint Venture). The Company's Sudbury Area projects include Aylmer IOCG and Fostung. Its other projects include Jolly Gold, Highland Gold, Bancroft, Island Copper, Homathko Property, Thompson Gold and Duntara Copper.

TSXV:XTM - Post by User

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  • JasleenDhakaX
Post by JasleenDhakaon May 03, 2023 1:35pm
Post# 35427977

Transition Metals Corp. was up 18.8% WoW

Transition Metals Corp. was up 18.8% WoW
Transition Metals Corp. was up 18.8% WoW as of May 1, 2023.


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