Post by
SamDiego on Aug 04, 2023 12:02pm
Pandora re: LGRN
On a comparative post evaluation basis I do not find LGRN`s offerings of any less value than anyones including myself. In fact LGRN regurgitates YFI`s performance claims more times than anyone else and after doing so I have yet to witness anyone offering a counter claim that worthy of consideration.
The 2 greatest follies that in my opinion my posters are guilty of is their lack of willingness to learn the vast comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of this industry necessary to even make an educated guess as to what may be, or may not be occurring. Case in point which is folly number 2. I have yet to witness anyone on this forum discuss the prevalence of start ups or existing tech co.s, either private or public, find it necessary to operate in secrecy, or what most usually refer to stealth mode. Instead the majority daily look to the market for what they consider is confirmatiom of value of past and current development.
Adding to what I consider ridiculous is that these same individuals demand current real time transparency singularly because this happens to be a public company without demanding the same from public companies we are knowingly engaged with.
Liberty Global would be a perfect example of this.
The POC is a good example. Why weren`t shareholders of LG not informed that LG was conducting a POC before the results were released? And were there any additional tests performed that were never alluded to?
Anyway, I think you get the drift. So, as long as you want to continue to play host to the narrative on this forum why not open the conversation as to the validity of YFI`s technological claims to date. Maybe you could start by invitinfg anyone to provide validated proof that they are false. To date, the best and only argument that I have read here is: "Duh, if they were so good YFI would be bought out years ago." If this question doesn`t past muster ask the same question regarding DCWi-Fi? Once again, the most academic opinion I have witnessed here is: "DCWi-FI is a nothing burger." The same reference was made about 10G.
These are only a few of the hundreds of pertinent questions that could be asked and discussedon this forum. Therefore, before juming down LGRN`s throat maybe you should first look to putting your own house in order.