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Zoomd Technologies Ltd V.ZOMD

Alternate Symbol(s):  ZMDTF

Zoomd Technologies Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiary Zoomd Ltd. (Zoomd), the marketing technology (MarTech) user-acquisition and engagement platform. It provides a mobile app user-acquisition platform that integrates with numerous global digital media outlets. The platform presents a unified view of multiple media sources, thereby serving as a comprehensive user acquisition control center for advertisers. It streamlines campaign management through a single point of contact, simplifying customer acquisition efforts. The consolidation of media sources onto one platform enables Zoomd to offer advertisers substantial savings by reducing the need for disparate data source integration, enhancing data collection and insights, and minimizing resource expenditure. Its platform includes various modulus and complex data flow processes, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms to achieve KPIs by running automated rule-based engines.

TSXV:ZOMD - Post by User

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  • OLIVIER1951X
Comment by OLIVIER1951on Dec 01, 2024 5:41pm
Post# 36339878

RE:Very Compelling Valuation

RE:Very Compelling Valuation Target  de  2 $d'  ici les  prochain  etats  fiancier  le 4ieme esce  trop je  ne   crois pas b.n. 1.57,co paratif 6 $
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