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“One of the biggest failings of both mining companies and larger firms is the tendency to over-engineer and over-size projects,” he said. “The indirect costs, with bigger workforces, larger camps supporting gold-plated operations with marble floors, have rendered many good projects uneconomic.”" https://www.miningandenergy.ca/read/stibbard-heads-jds-energy-and-mining-the-project-manager-with-a-difference So here's a thought JDS/Hatch let the discovery and investigative process complete for Victoria Gold before off to the next mine proposal in the .Haida Gwaii. Dry stack or not it's a significant hole and tailings issue. Previous workings and failings need to be reviewed first before jumping into the next one. https://haidagwaiinews.com/jds-mining-proposes-gold-mine-on-haida-gwaii/ https://www.canadianminingjournal.com/news/taseko-sells-harmony-mine-in-b-c-to-jds-gold/
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