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HoneyBadger77 wrote: And how's those water treatment plant upgrades going YTG? I see not a mention in the Oct 18th YTG update about any progress on the water treatment facility upgrades so I'll take that to mean little or no meaningful progress there yet either in addtion to the mere 30% of the berm completed to date. Guess with freeze up well underway the experts working on the water treatment upgrades will have all winter to figure it out now. The water treatment and berm construction were two major drivers that got YTG their hasty receivership application approved by the court. Interesting how the unachieveable timelines directed by YTG on VG don't seem so achieveable now that YTG and the Receiver are fully in charge. And that's with the best experts in the industry working on this! Maybe the courts can hold YTG in contempt of court for not meeting their own directives since that was their big argument for getting VG management out and a receiver appointed...Lol. I agree Keno that given the harsh weather conditions at Eagle we can expect a whole lot of money being spent over the coming winter months with little progress to show for it. In my opinion. HB77
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