"Water Data Catalogue" Yukon Only if your interested in the environmental monitoring stations regards Dublin Gulch and Haggert Creek here's the "Water Data Catalogue" Yukon. Note that there are other operating smaller mines in the area.
Turn on "Water Monitoring Sites" and "Water Licenses" from the "Layer List" Pop Up.
Search terms (top left drop down combo search box).
Haggart Creek
Dublin Gulch
Dublin Gulch Valley Monitoring Well
"(EG)W4-mix" sie (This is the closest you'll get to the location for VG Quartz Water Licence: QZ16-016) denoted as a rotated square.
Judging by the comments current interests (imo) are not shareholder related as for all intents and purposes as VG gold production is done along with shareholders investment's (shareholders get $0, non secured debt gets cents on the $, with secured getting paid as the mine is stripped of it's assets).
VG does still exist in "name only" judging by the shares listed as "GREY:VITFF" and the fact that it hasn't been stripped of it's "quartz license" gives a clue as what YTG meant when it said "we did not intend to shut down the mine". At least that's my take on it.
My interest in the VG story is simply it's poximity to Keno and Galena Hill. If you are interested search terms such as Elsa (for location), Silver King, Husky SW, Husky, Ruby. These are all old mines and no longer producing. Though under UkHM til 89, then Alexco 2006-2022 there were producing mines.
Currently Hecla is successfully operating a few of the expanded old workings. As a side note Alexco and now Hecla up to now are successfully remediating the area as well as providing much needed employment. :)
Right now it's hard to see how anyone is going to be able raise any meaningfull capital under what appears to be a process of YTG placing companies into receivership within weeks of an issue with a reaction of we don't like what occured (regardless of who's to blame).
Personally I would not "invest" any cash in any junior miner or grubstake any prospecting untill YTG clarifies the future of mines should issues occur.
As a side note" I agree VG as a corporate entity was legally reponsible, which is why when PWC was awarded rceivership JM said it's over. And he was right.
YTG will process this untill the cash and assets are depleted while the receiver moves forward and tries to find a buyer. A task which may be difficult as this is a low grade mine in an expensive area to mine and operate. Especially if gold retreats Eagle mine will be considered closed (imo) and in maintenance and remediation mode.
https://yukon.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2365a4c0b8744f34be7f1451a38493d2 Comments always welcome.