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Victoria Gold Corp VITFF

Victoria Gold Corp. is a gold mining company. The Company’s flagship asset is its 100% owned Dublin Gulch property, which hosts the Eagle, Olive and Raven gold deposits along with numerous targets along the Potato Hills Trend including Nugget, Lynx and Rex Peso. Dublin Gulch is situated in the central Yukon, Canada, approximately 375 kilometers (km) north of the capital city of Whitehorse. The property covers an area of approximately 555 square kilometers and is the site of the Company's Eagle and Olive Gold Deposits. It also holds a suite of other development and exploration properties in the Yukon, including Brewery Creek, Clear Creek, Gold Dome and Grew Creek. The Eagle West target area lies as close as 500 meters northwest of the main Eagle Gold Deposit and hosts the exposures of the granodiorite. The Raven target is located at the contact zone at the extreme southeastern portion of the Nugget Stock. The Brewery Creek Project is a past producing heap leach gold mining operation.

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  • KenoHillYTX
Post by KenoHillYTon Dec 04, 2024 10:04am
Post# 36344980

Frankenstein of a water treatment plan?

Frankenstein of a water treatment plan?
Wasn't there just a request by PWC to release untreated water into the creek and it's not even spring yet.

As I understand it there has been some activity regards probing to see where the heap stabilization is at? Let's hear it.

Since the safety beam is now it place what is the reason to contour the heap? It's ugly, for sure but there are worse ones in both size and scope. 

If the heap has "drained down" then what is the pupose of the "remediation" contouring of the heap, it's a just a heap of crushed rubble.

There has been a lot of historical photographs of mining acitivity in the creek for the last 100 years +/-that shows it looked like any other area where mining actiity has occured.  No one cared till now?

"We expect all of those emergency work packages to be done by the end of this month, and that has included building ponds, doing an immense amount of environmental monitoring and just managing water across the site,” said Dowd.  The stabilization phase will “begin in earnest” in the spring, she said, when they will be able to move material and start up more construction projects in the area and stabilize the heap. "

There has been a lot of historical photographs of mining acitivity in the creek for the last 100 years +/-that show it looked like any other area where mining actiity has occured.  No one cared till now?

"We expect all of those emergency work packages to be done by the end of this month, and that has included building ponds, doing an immense amount of environmental monitoring and just managing water across the site,” said Dowd.  

The stabilization phase will “begin in earnest” in the spring, she said, when they will be able to move material and start up more construction projects in the area and stabilize the heap.  

Dowd described the current water treatment process as a “Frankenstein of a water treatment plant,” with many different pieces being put onto an existing water treatment plant to treat the water in the short term. Throughout the winter, Dowd said, other treatment approaches will be considered for impacted water."

A Frankenstein of a water treatment plant is part of a the first $55m package?

"Currently, the government is at the tail end of the “emergency response” stage, said Dowd. This consists of trying to intercept the contaminated ground water, building ponds on site to contain contaminated water, and commissioning a water treatment plant to treat and discharge water to the environment."

I really hope that YTG does NOT instruct PWC to start the stabilization phase to “begin in earnest” in the spring.  Just in time for spring run off to saturate things to the max.

It's a slippery slope. ;)
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