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Viasat Inc VSAT

Viasat, Inc. is a global communications company. Its communication services segment provides a wide range of broadband and narrowband communications solutions across government and commercial mobility markets, and for fixed and residential broadband customers. In addition, this segment includes the development and sale of a wide array of advanced satellite and wireless products, and network and terminal solutions that support or enable the provision of fixed and mobile broadband and narrowband services. Its defense and advanced technologies segment develop and offers a diverse array of resilient, vertically integrated solutions to government and commercial customers, leveraging the Company’s technical competencies in encryption, cyber security, tactical gateway, modems and waveforms. The primary business lines in its defense and advanced technologies segment: information security and cyber defense, space and mission systems, tactical networking and advanced technologies and others.

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson Jul 13, 2023 5:15pm
Post# 35540206

Why Viasat Stock Just Got Destroyed

Why Viasat Stock Just Got Destroyed
Just In: $VSAT Why Viasat Stock Just Got Destroyed2023-07-13 14:19:00 ET Investors in space satellite communications company Viasat (NASDAQ: VSAT) are having a very bad day on Thursday, as news of a glitch in the company's newest satellite is pummeling the stock -- now down 28.1% at 1 p.m. ET. Yesterday evening, after the close of ...VSAT - Why Viasat Stock Just Got Destroyed

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