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Vivos Therapeutics Inc VVOS

Vivos Therapeutics, Inc. is a medical technology company focused on developing and commercializing diagnostic and treatment methods for patients suffering from breathing and sleep issues arising from certain dentofacial abnormalities such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring in adults. The Company calls its solution The Vivos Method. The Vivos Method represents the first clinically effective nonsurgical, noninvasive and nonpharmaceutical solution for treating mild to severe OSA. The Vivos Method includes treatment regimens that employ the proprietary Complete Airway Repositioning and/or Expansion (CARE) appliance therapy and other modalities that alter the size, shape and position of the soft tissues that comprise a patient's upper airway and/or palate. The Vivos Method comprises various products and services, including Vivos CARE oral appliance therapy, Vivos oral appliances and therapies outside of CARE system, Vivos AireO2, and Vivos Airway Intelligence Service.

NDAQ:VVOS - Post by User

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  • whytestocksX
Post by whytestockson May 20, 2024 8:00pm
Post# 36049220

Consolidated Water Comments on ISS and Glass Lewis Reports a

Consolidated Water Comments on ISS and Glass Lewis Reports a
JUST IN: $VVOS Consolidated Water Comments on ISS and Glass Lewis Reports and Urges Stockholders to Vote "FOR" Re-Election of Its Highly Qualified DirectorsGEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands, May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Consolidated Water Co. Ltd. (NASDAQ Global Select Market: CWCO), a leading designer, builder and operator of advanced water supply and treatment plants, today issued the following statement commenting on the reports issued by Instituti...VVOS - Consolidated Water Comments on ISS and Glass Lewis Reports and Urges Stockholders to Vote "FOR" Re-Election of Its Highly Qualified Directors

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