NYSEAM:WWR - Post by User
Post by GETaLONGon Dec 14, 2021 2:58pm
Post# 34230093
I finally pulled the trigger (after 'stalking' this stock)
I finally pulled the trigger (after 'stalking' this stock) ever since they purchased 'Alabama Graphite'. [ AND i've Never paid more than .30 cents for a company since the early '80's -for a little computer/printer stock called 'Burroughs'. (anyone remember that one?)
Anyway, now I can 'cheer' for all of us. Go-Go WWR !!!!
[IMh0, all the possible 'options' seem very positive... 1) an out right 'buy-out',.... 2) 5 for 1 forward stock split,... or 3) a 3-way 'spin-off' of their major commodities]
Merry Christmas & Happy '22 !!