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Westwater Resources Inc WWR

Westwater Resources, Inc. is an energy technology company. The Company is focused on developing battery-grade natural graphite materials. The Company’s primary project is the Kellyton Graphite Processing Plant that is under construction in east-central Alabama. The Company's projects also include Coosa Graphite Project, Bama Mine Project and COOSA Vanadium Project. The Coosa Graphite Deposit is an advanced natural flake graphite deposit in the contiguous United States and is located across 41,965 acres (17,000 hectares) in Coosa County, Alabama. The Bama Mine Project is located in the Alabama Graphite Belt and comprises of 1,300 acres of land. The vanadium mineralization at the Coosa project occurs principally as the mineral roscoelite, a medium to dark green mica mineral that has been a global source for vanadium.

NYSEAM:WWR - Post by User

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  • triclopsX
Post by triclopson Feb 05, 2023 10:13am
Post# 35267507

Interest in Coosa

Interest in CoosaThe interest in the Coosa Deposit by Idaho Strategic Resources is the first positive news in a long time. It never hurts to listen to a proposal.
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