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Expro Group Holdings NV XPRO

Expro Group Holdings N.V. is a provider of energy services. The Company provides services and solutions to exploration and production companies in both onshore and offshore environments in approximately 60 countries. The Company's portfolio of products and services is designed to enhance production and improve recovery across the well lifecycle from exploration through abandonment, including well construction and well management. The Company's well construction products and services support customers’ new wellbore drilling, wellbore completion and recompletion, and wellbore plug and abandonment requirements. Its open water cementing solutions include the proprietary SeaCure and QuikCure solutions. It also offers a range of performance drilling tools. The Company's well management offerings consist of well flow management, subsea well access and well intervention and integrity services, well flow management, subsea well access, and well intervention and integrity.

NYSE:XPRO - Post by User

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  • buysidenotesX
Post by buysidenoteson Jan 16, 2014 6:50pm
Post# 22101420 on FI on FIFranks International - an exceptional business for a pretty darn good price: 
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