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ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd ZIM

Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd is an Israel-based company. It operates as fleet and a network of shipping lines offering cargo transportation services on all major global trade routes, it also offers multi-modal, cargo handling, tariff management, schedule information, and other related services supported by the company's local offices and representatives around the world.

NYSE:ZIM - Post by User

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  • DeanEdmontonX
Post by DeanEdmontonon May 29, 2023 10:10am
Post# 35468608

$13.75 is a Big Drop in A short Time

$13.75 is a Big Drop in A short TimeThis has been a very interesting stock to watch. The price movements and dividend history are very unusual. I have no idea what is driving the price up and down becuase it isn't based on fundamentals. If the financials are accurate this should be a pretty stable stock, so obviously something else is causing the moves.
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