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Opinion & Analysis Marimaca Copper Corp T.MARI

Alternate Symbol(s):  MARIF

Marimaca Copper Corp. is a Canada-based exploration and development company focused on base metal projects in Chile. The Company’s principal asset is the Marimaca Copper Project, located in the Antofagasta Region of northern Chile. The Marimaca Copper Project is situated at a low altitude in Chile’s Coastal Copper Belt, 25 kilometers (km) east of the port of Mejillones and 45 km north of... see more

Opinion & Analysis (TSX:MARI)

    Marimaca Copper's new copper discovery in Chile

    Brieanna McCutcheon  June 29, 2023

    VIDEO: Coro Mining: Copper Production In Chile - Second Mine Planned

    Commodity-TV November 24, 2017