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Opinion & Analysis Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd V.CSX.H

Alternate Symbol(s):  CLGPF

Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd. is a Canada-based creator of SMART Seeder technology, as well as additional complementary technologies. It operates in the precision seeding and planting segment of the agriculture industry. It creates solutions to address agricultural problems by developing commercially viable products which improve agricultural outcomes. Its SMART Seeder technologies are seeding... see more

Opinion & Analysis (TSXV:CSX.H)

    VIDEO: Moving Agriculture Into the Digital Age

    BTV-Business Television February 16, 2016

    VIDEO: How this company is moving agriculture into the digital age

    BTV-Business Television October 23, 2015

    Winning the Hunger Games: Tom Wallace on How to choose successful agriculture investments

    Tom Armistead July 22, 2015

    VIDEO: Clean Seed Capital Bringing High-tech To Farming

    BTV-Business Television November 13, 2013