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Stock Quote Today & Recent News True North Commercial REIT TUERF

Primary Symbol: T.TNT.UN

True North Commercial Real Estate Investment Trust (the REIT) is a Canada-based unincorporated, open-ended real estate investment trust. The REIT is primarily focused on creating value for unitholders through the investment in and ownership of commercial properties in Canada. The REIT’s primary objective is to maximize total returns to its unitholders. Its returns include a stable, reliable... see more
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Opinion & Analysis (TSX:TNT.UN)

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Bullboard Posts (TSX:TNT.UN)

$8 soon?

People have no idea what’s coming when Trump takes office in the next few weeks. The TSX is primed for massive sell-offs, with single...
SIGG1 - 2 days ago

Trump’s 25% Tariff Threat Could Devastate Canadian Economy

Trump’s 25% Tariff Threat Could Devastate Canadian Economy as Trudeau’s Departure Adds to Uncertainty The Canadian economy is on...
SIGG1 - 6 days ago


All about the 10yr yield. not only Canadian Reits but the US ones. We will see what happens when Trump takes office..
s136s136 - 6 days ago


Im wondering the same thing about other reits like DIR.UN dream industrial, everyday theres 500k shares ready to be dumped despite it at...
garyreins - 6 days ago

RE:RE:Please explain

",,,, this would provide an estiamte timeline of when dividend may return." It will not.  The distribution (it is not...
pierrelebel - 7 days ago

RE:RE:Please explain

For purchases of units (they are not called "shares") by the trust click on the "insiders" link near the top of this...
pierrelebel - 7 days ago