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Stock Quote Today & Recent News Goldquest Mining Corp V.GQC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GDQMF

GoldQuest Mining Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on gold and copper in the Dominican Republic. The Company holds 19 exploration permits (granted or under application) and one exploitation permit (under application) concessions in the Dominican Republic. These concessions are grouped into various districts. San Juan District, includes Romero (exploitation... see more
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Bullboard Posts (TSXV:GQC)


Yes! Buy GQC ! It is near the breakout! - 3 hours ago

RE:Fore sure

Take it to the bank.. The proud people have spoken, the religious season is almost over,, the rainy season wont pose anymore isues.. And...
rdy2rumble - 2 days ago

Fore sure

News and Permit next week.. :)
rdy2rumble - 2 days ago

Adding when it Looks the Bleakest

Remember when the day starts off the bleakest the sun always breaks through eventually to shine its warm rays upon our as...
harleyonvacatio - 2 days ago


is exploding at this POG. BUT Management & DR oligarchs manipulating this stock down and trying to grap any stock from the unknown...
Buckfinder - 3 days ago

RE:No news release???

GQC never cared for their shareholders  anyway! - 7 days ago