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Showcase Companies

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Almonty Industries Inc. T.AII

Almonty Industries Inc. is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in the mining, processing and shipping of tungsten concentrate, as well as the exploration and evaluation of its projects. The Company operates through four segments: Los Santos Mine, Panasquiera Mine, Valtreixal Project, and Woulfe. The Los Santos Mine is located in Spain whose operations relate to the exploration and mining of Tungsten. The Panasqueira Mine is located in Covilha Castelo Branco, Portugal, whose operations relate to the exploration and mining of tungsten, as well as the production of copper and tin concentrate by-products. The Valtreixal Project is located in Spain whose operations relate to the exploration and evaluation activities of the Valtreixal tin/tungsten project. Woulfe’s properties are located in Gangwon Province, Republic of Korea. The Woulfe's operations relate primarily to the exploration, evaluation and development of the Sangdong Project.

Latest News

Almonty Receives Final Commitments Under an A$18.45 Million Equivalent Equity Placement

Almonty Industries Has Entered Into an Offtake Agreement with SeAH Group, the Korean Steel Giant...

Almonty Announces Intention to Relocate to the United States

Almonty Receives its Final Drawdown from KfW IPEX-Bank for Ongoing Construction of the Sangdong...

Almonty Receives Additional Commitments Under a Proposed Equity Placement

Global Tungsten Market and Supply Security

Almonty Receives Firm Commitments Under a Proposed Equity Placement

Almonty Advances Sangdong Mine with Installation of Metso Equipment for Tungsten Processing Plant

Almonty Industries Celebrates Designation of Yeongwol County as an Opportunity Development...

Almonty Industries Inc. Appoints Fernando Vitorino as Chief Operating Officer of Almonty Korea...

Almonty Announces the Filing of Its Q3-2024 Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial...

Almonty Completes Final Technical Review Prior To Processing Plant Equipment Installation at the...

Global Geologists Visit Sangdong Mine during September, 2024 IGC Conference in South Korea

Almonty to Lead Global Supply Chain Re-entry of Tungsten in South Korea

Almonty Announces the Filing of Its Q2-2024 Unaudited Condensed Interim Consolidated Financial...