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Showcase Companies

Stockhouse is proud to showcase a portfolio of companies that we are watching closely. Learn more about these companies as part of your own investment research. Consider using the tools below to be first in line for important news and updates. view all showcase companies

Africa Oil Corp. T.AOI

Africa Oil Corp. is a Canadian oil and gas company with producing and development assets in deepwater Nigeria, an interest in the Venus light oil and associated gas discovery, offshore Namibia, and an exploration/appraisal portfolio in west and south of Africa. The Company holds its interests through direct ownership interests in concessions and through its shareholdings in investee companies, including Prime Oil & Gas Cooperatief U.A. (Prime); Impact Oil and Gas Limited (Impact); Africa Energy Corp. (Africa Energy), and Eco (Atlantic) Oil & Gas Limited (Eco). The Company is focused on its Nigerian assets, Namibian Orange Basin opportunity set (Blocks 2913B and 2912), Block 3B/4B in South Africa's Orange Basin, and Equatorial Guinean exploration blocks (EG-18 and EG-31). The Block 3B/4B covers an area of approximately 17,581 square kilometers (km2) within the Orange Basin offshore of the Republic of South Africa. The Company has approximately 17% interest in Block 3B/4B.



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