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Bullboard Post History

by $HAWK


Gwy IR just phoned back

and said that they were working hard trying to include every item for their...

April 25, 2012


RE: The rights plan.

I can't recall if VEN had rights plan, but after the initial offer by AUX...

April 25, 2012


Same happened to Ventana

This tanking of the SP brings me back to the volitile VEN SP  and on one...

April 25, 2012


RE: RERE: Salman buying a few already

dundee crosstrade of 440,500 at 11:04

April 24, 2012


RERE: Salman buying a few already

plus a crosstrade of 200,000 at 11:02

April 24, 2012


any calls for the low with the buyback

maybe .45 but that maybe risky, exposing the company to a buyout, i can not...

April 19, 2012


re; Water Drilling

2 weeks ago, FA  "E"  reply to sbergie was that they were...

April 18, 2012


can't spell Highlights


April 13, 2012


BNN'S Andy Bell hughlights WPX

11:40  Andy Bell highlighted WPX, up 9% on rumour of talks with Indian...

April 13, 2012


FA "E" reply to CDeeGreen/ PVT/BD

Farhad 's reply still optimistic, nothing really to chew on. $HAWK

April 11, 2012


sbergie used to "E" FA and get replies

Is( sbergie) still around, possibly he or someone with FA's "E:...

April 10, 2012


Minimum SP allowed before delisting-TSX

I was wondering how low AAA could fall before delisting on the TSX, if not...

April 10, 2012


Good news sell off

Wounded I mirror you thoughts , I blogged yesterday night especially about...

April 5, 2012


Kicking the can down the road of time

I am very dissapointed at what happrnrd today with SP, now that I think the...

April 4, 2012


RE: RE: insider transaction WOF

According to TD insider report posted on Friday , the 245,000 WOF shares were...

March 25, 2012


RE: insider transaction WOF

March 25, 2012

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