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Bullboard Post History

by 1ottrunner



The halt trigger intraday can happen on the upside or down.  In the past...

May 3, 2021



50% of the time! GLTA Tdubbbs wrote: do stocks every halt for bad news...

May 3, 2021



We will all know soon TheTerminator1 wrote: It's good news and i think...

May 3, 2021



big news:good or bad?

May 3, 2021


RE:RE:RE:Need BUC now to the WORLD, FDA - save lives not Big Pharma !

It can be purchased and shipped to anywhere in the world.  Without a...

May 2, 2021


RE:Need BUC now to the WORLD, FDA - save lives not Big Pharma !

Here is the issue. BUC would be attainable in india, getting an Asian drug...

May 1, 2021


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:$RVV $RVVTF - Primary Completion: May 1, 2021 [Anticipated]

And since we must be nearing 400 patients that should mean just 23 more per...

May 1, 2021


RE:RE:RE:RE:$RVV $RVVTF - Primary Completion: May 1, 2021 [Anticipated]

Yes sir, 26 sites. TheTerminator1 wrote: Are we officially at 26 sites? ...

May 1, 2021


RE:RE:$RVV $RVVTF - Primary Completion: May 1, 2021 [Anticipated]

Chrisxd5 wrote: Wasn't it this all along?  Yes it was, the last...

May 1, 2021


RE:Here's something to read if you didn't already see it

Interesting.  I wonder what the standard of care is in India? I also...

April 30, 2021


RE:RE:RE:Review of the 26 trial sites: ZERO list RVV trial

CrazyProphet wrote: This thing is under accumulation by ITG ????? Actually...

April 29, 2021


RE:RE:RE:Review of the 26 trial sites: ZERO list RVV trial

It seems.

April 29, 2021


RE:RE:Review of the 26 trial sites: ZERO list RVV trial

It will have to be soon, Pfizer can come up with 1000 participants in under...

April 29, 2021


RE:RE:RE:Review of the 26 trial sites: ZERO list RVV trial

Many of the sites are Covid testing sites which would offer an avenue to...

April 29, 2021


RE:RE:Review of the 26 trial sites: ZERO list RVV trial

here are the first 5 -Cullman:   http://www.cullmanclinicaltrials...

April 29, 2021


Review of the 26 trial sites: ZERO list RVV trial

Of the 26 trial sites ZERO list Revive's trial.  Although many of...

April 29, 2021


RE:Rvv has till end of year for covid

MondayBull wrote: Look I'm a long time share holder of Rvv mostly for the...

April 28, 2021


RE:RE:RE:RVV will do fine. It's in a niche as a reactive drug(s)

CrazyProphet wrote: I have lost track of current timelines should we not be...

April 28, 2021


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RVV will do fine. It's in a niche as a reactive drug(s)

Time to stop self-medicating and see a doctor. RandomGuy1 wrote: Haha. ...

April 28, 2021


RE:RE:RE:RE:RVV will do fine. It's in a niche as a reactive drug(s)


April 28, 2021