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Bullboard Post History

by Skidaddle


RE:RE:Top 100?

Not sure who you've been responding to MoeMoney (thanks for not quoting...

June 12, 2019


RE:McMaster is one of the top 100 Universities in the WORLD

And for additional reference: McMaster University has placed in post...

June 12, 2019


McMaster is one of the top 100 Universities in the WORLD

Crazy McMaster, what are those dummies thinking... tweeting about PAT 1. LOL....

June 12, 2019


VRS fully integrated with a lock-down feature for doorways

 FYI: Patriot One's Jeanault Lasnier shows how the company is...

June 12, 2019


RE:Hello! Is there anyone out there?

Yep, still works, and here’s 3 interesting PAT tweets from today (2 from...

June 11, 2019


Good job boys!!

You’re doing a great job for the PAT bashers. While you guys are busy here...

June 9, 2019


RE:Upcoming Events

Starts tomorrow... JoAnne Alvarado Dominguez Specialist, Event Strategy &...

June 9, 2019


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Anyone hear of Athena Security also

Folks, can we stop already with this BS political debate. I have my own...

June 9, 2019


RE:RE:RE:What is this stealth technology Trump wants to deploy

  Hi BigBagOW. Did a bit of research this morning and can confirm with...

June 8, 2019


RE:Cisco Live

Starts tomorrow... JoAnne Alvarado Dominguez Specialist, Event Strategy &...

June 8, 2019


RE:Worth repetition IMO. GLTA.

Another reason to go back and reflect on reality vs. basher/shorter...

June 5, 2019


Worth repetition IMO. GLTA.

You all probably noticed this in the Corporate Update on December 20, 2018...

June 5, 2019



1st day, 1st post, 3rd IGGY. Buh Bye!

June 1, 2019


Cisco stuff going on behind the scenes FYI:

 Too bad CISCO doesn't know as much as the bashers on this board...

June 1, 2019


RE:RE:Short attacks on stocks explained here...READ IT

Also need to keep asking ourselves, why are the bashers here, and working SO...

June 1, 2019


RE:Short attacks on stocks explained here...READ IT

Excellent read Pliskin. Yes, please re-post with some regularity to help...

May 31, 2019



Yes. Too funny. Not sure what happened to the original BlameOG, who used to...

May 30, 2019


RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Sad Company Thuvision is at .035 cents

mike270 wrote:  Trades under Symbal DIGTF you can look it up on...

May 30, 2019


RE:RE:RE:Sad Company Thuvision is at .035 cents

Sure Albert. Pence sterling (GBX) is a subdivision of Pounds sterling (GBP)....

May 30, 2019


New article from Insider Financial FYI:

By Jim Bloom Posted on May 28, 2019   Patriot One Technologies Inc ...

May 29, 2019