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Tools to trade penny stocks: Best of the Boards/Blogs

Stockhouse Editorial
0 Comments| January 18, 2010

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Top Bullboards post:

Yes. Taseko's better positioned than ever with a mining friendly govt in BC. 10mil of TGB stock traded hands on Fri and 6mil TKO traded on Fri. Fri had most TGB trades ever. Today is Marty King day, so tomorrow might be another interesting day in U.S. markets. The MacD is pointed north, so not sure if I should buy more or not. “Here's hoping the feds agree with the provincials.” From shoesinon on the Taseko Mines (TSX: T.TKO, Stock Forum) board.

Top Bullboard:

Vast Exploration (TSX: V.VST, Stock Forum) received the most reads and posts on a day its stock surged 13%.

Top blog:

RedMars describes tools the blogger uses to trade penny stocks in the Notes From a Cyber Trader blog.

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