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SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Brower Piven Launches An Investigation Into The Proposed Sale Of Caesars Acquisition Company And Encourages Investors To Contact The Firm For Additional Information

The securities litigation law firm of Brower Piven, A Professional Corporation, has commenced an investigation into possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of state law by the Board of Directors of Caesars Acquisition Company (“Caesars Acquisition” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: CACQ) relating to the proposed buyout of the Company by Caesars Entertainment Corporation (“Caesars Entertainment”).

On December 22, 2014, Caesars Acquisition and Caesars Entertainment announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement to merge in an all-stock transaction. Under the terms of the transaction, each outstanding share of Caesars Acquisition class A common stock will be exchanged for 0.664 share of Caesars Entertainment common stock. The exchange values Caesars Acquisition at $8.96 based on the December 19, 2014 closing price.

The firm’s investigation seeks to determine, among other things, whether the Company’s Board of Directors failed to satisfy their duties to shareholders, including whether the Board adequately pursued alternatives to the acquisition and whether the Board obtained the best price possible for the Company’s shares of common stock. In particular, according to Yahoo! Finance, at least one Wall Street analyst has issued a price target for Caesars Acquisition stock at $15.00 per share. Additionally, earlier this year Caesars Acquisition stock traded at $16.98 per share.

If you currently own common stock of Caesars Acquisition and would like to learn more about the investigation being conducted by Brower Piven, without cost or obligation to you, please visit our website at You may also request more information by contacting Brower Piven either by email at or by telephone at (410) 415-6616.

Attorneys at Brower Piven have extensive experience in litigating securities and other class action cases and have been advocating for the rights of shareholders since the 1980s.

Brower Piven, A Professional Corporation
Charles J. Piven, 410-415-6616
1925 Old Valley Road
Stevenson, Maryland 21153
