1,000+ respondents think advancements such as cross-platform
development and open source are driving .NET development within the
enterprise to new heights
(NASDAQ: PRGS) today announced findings from its 2016 .NET Community
survey. Telerik, a Progress company, surveyed developers to capture
their views on key technologies and innovations across web, desktop and
mobile app development. Survey findings indicate that recent
advancements around cross-platform development and open source are
making it an exciting time to be a .NET developer.
“Over the last year, .NET has moved further into the open source and
cross-platform space. These moves allow .NET to continue to grow and
thrive within the enterprise, and are in keeping with similar trends in
cloud and mobile,” said Brandon Satrom, General Manager for Developer
Platforms and Tools, Progress. “As Microsoft continues to innovate
across desktop, mobile and web, our survey findings indicate that many
opportunities lay ahead for .NET and the .NET developer ecosystem.”
Key findings from the survey include:
Developers prefer the web as their platform of choice:
Respondents are developing apps for responsive web (49%), desktop
web (45%) and Windows desktop (30%).
Over half of those that identified themselves as web developers
are using responsive web techniques to create apps capable of
desktop and mobile.
HTML is the preferred markup language of 38% of respondents
classified as desktop developers and 78% of respondents classified
as web developers.
74% of developers are using JavaScript within the workplace, and
Angular is by far the most popular core framework among .NET
developers (56%) followed by Knockout (8%). This is likely due to
Microsoft’s ongoing endorsement and commitment to the platform.
ASP.Net Web Forms isn’t dead, yet…Quite a few developers are working
on new apps (34% desktop web developers / 29% responsive web
Excitement is building for cross-platform and OSS development:
38% of respondents think the opportunity to build and run .NET
apps cross-platform is “amazing.”
43% think that .NET Core being open sourced and cross-platform is
a “dream come true.”
While Xamarin remains the preference among native mobile
developers (62%), Apache Cordova is the top choice for
hybrid/compiled mobile developers (43%).
63% of respondents won’t touch a Mac, but 29% own iPhones.
Adoption of Universal Windows Platform is slow, but steady. The
majority of respondents are still unfamiliar with UWP (44% Windows
desktop devs, 58% web devs, 41% mobile devs). While 27%, 19% and 35%
respectively are on-board with its write once, run everywhere
The full survey also offers insights around IDE preferences, lightweight
code editors, reporting, command line tooling, package managers, XAML,
mobile hardware and more. To read the full report and see all of the
survey findings, click here.
Additional Resources
About Progress
Progress (NASDAQ:
PRGS) is a global software company that simplifies the development,
deployment and management of business applications on-premise or in the
cloud, on any platform or device, to any data source, with enhanced
performance, minimal IT complexity and low total cost of ownership.
Progress can be reached at www.progress.com
or 1-781-280-4000.
Progress is a trademark or registered trademark of Progress Software
Corporation or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the US and other
countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property
of their respective owners.
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