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Taylor Devices Announces That Its Dampers Helped Protect The Torre Mayor Building In Mexico City During The Recent Earthquake


PR Newswire

NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y., Sept. 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Taylor Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ SmallCap: "TAYD") announced today that Mexico City's third highest building, the Torre Mayor building, had experienced no structural damage in the recent earthquake. 

"A 7.1 magnitude earthquake, on the Richter scale, is going to do a lot of damage to buildings & structures that do not have adequate seismic protection," stated Douglas P. Taylor, President.  He continued, "We were very pleased to hear that Torre Mayor 'performed well' throughout the earthquake from the building's property manager.  After required inspection, the building has now been re-opened for occupancy."  He continued, "We have been protecting high-rise buildings for decades but it is rare to see a very tall one so severely tested in the real world."

He continued, "We applaud the government of Mexico for strengthening building codes in recent years to more fully address seismic protection."  He concluded, "Anyone involved in new construction of high-rise buildings, structures or bridges that want to improve their survivability, either in Mexico City or throughout the world, should contact us."

The Torre Mayor building was completed in 2003 and was the tallest building, at 57 floors, in Mexico City when constructed.  It is now the third highest building and utilizes 98 large Taylor Devices' dampers for seismic protection; 24 of these dampers are rated at 600 tons output force each and the remaining 74 (dampers) are rated at 300 tons output force each.  These dampers can be seen through the glass exterior of the building in many photos.  [Picture attached]

Taylor Devices, Inc. is a 62 year old company engaged in the design, development, manufacture & marketing of shock absorption, rate control and energy storage devices for use in various types of vehicles, machinery, equipment & structures.  The company continues to achieve growth in the developing seismic protection field and in the isolation of wind-induced vibrations.

Taylor's website can be visited at:

Taylor Devices, Inc.



Artie Regan

Regan & Associates, Inc.

(212) 587-3005 (phone)

(212) 587-3006 (fax)


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