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Rupert Resources Announces Board Change


Rupert Resources Ltd. (“Rupert Resources” or the “Company”) announces Mr. Mike Sutton’s retirement as of today from the Board of the Company. Eventual replacement of Mr. Sutton as a non-Executive Director is under consideration.

James Withall, CEO of Rupert Resources, said “I would like to recognise Mike’s many years of service as a Director and his valuable contribution to the Rupert Resources team in the development and success of the Company.”

Gunnar Nilsson, the Company’s Chairman, said “Mike has been with the Company as a Director throughout the transformative period since 2016, from the original acquisition of Pahtavaara through to the discovery of the Ikkari deposit in 2020 and the continuing exploration and development which has followed. With his extensive professional experience, his guidance especially in technical matters has been of key importance. On behalf of the Company, I wish to thank him for his contribution over this time and wish him all the best for the future.

About Rupert Resources

Rupert Resources is a gold exploration and development company listed on the TSX Exchange under the symbol “RUP.” The Company is focused on making and advancing discoveries of scale and quality with high margin and low environmental impact potential. The Company’s principal focus is Ikkari, a new high quality gold discovery in Northern Finland. Ikkari is part of the Company’s “Rupert Lapland Project,” which also includes the Pahtavaara gold mine, mill, and exploration permits (“Pahtavaara”).
