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Clean Seed Appoints MNP as Auditor



Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd.

June 11, 2024 – TheNewswire – Vancouver, British Columbia - Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd. (“Clean Seed” or the “Company”) (NEX: CSX.H) announces that it has appointed MNP LLP Chartered Professional Accountants as its auditor for the Company’s June 30, 2023, fiscal year.

The Company’s previous auditor, Deloitte LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants (the “Former Auditor”) resigned as auditors of the Company effective April 26, 2023. The resignation was not as a result of any reportable event (as that term is defined in section 4.11 of National Instrument 51-102, Continuous Disclosure Obligations). MNP LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants (the “Successor Auditor”) has been appointed as the replacement auditor for the Company. Copies of the Notice of Change of Auditor and letters from Former Auditor and Successor Auditor have been filed on SEDAR.


“Graeme Lempriere”

Chief Executive Officer

About Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd.

The common shares of Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd. are listed on the NEX branch of the TSX Venture Exchange and trade under the symbol "CSX.H".

We are a team of innovators and business management professionals with a proven track record of game changing innovation and production of patented agricultural technologies at a high level. We pride ourselves as progress facilitators that turn solutions for modern agricultural problem into commercially viable products to fulfill new demand.

Clean Seed’s SMART Seeder™ technologies are revolutionary seeding tools that utilize the unique synergy of sophisticated electronic metering and intuitive software control putting row-by-row variable rate technology at the forefront of agricultural innovation. Our innovations create a new class of highly accurate seeding equipment designed specifically for today’s farmer.

For further information please contact Clean Seed at and visit our website at

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange, the NEX nor their Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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