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NeoTerrex samples high-grade critical minerals in Quebec

 Trevor Abes Trevor Abes , The Market Online
0 Comments| December 6, 2024

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  • NeoTerrex Minerals (TSXV:NTX) uncovered additional critical minerals in summer surface exploration at its Galactic project in eastern Quebec
  • High concentrations of zirconium and tantalum join robust prospects for niobium, neodymium and dysprosium on the project
  • NeoTerrex Minerals is advancing a portfolio of prospective critical minerals projects in Quebec
  • NeoTerrex stock has given back 65.52 per cent since inception in January 2024

NeoTerrex Minerals (TSXV:NTX) uncovered additional critical minerals in summer surface exploration at its Galactic project in eastern Quebec.

Grab samples from outcrops and boulders on the project reveal that, in addition to high concentrations of niobium (Nb), neodymium (Nd) and dysprosium (Dy), the area also hosts large concentrations of zirconium (Zr) and tantalum (Ta). These minerals are essential in the military, robotics and green energy sectors and demand is expected to grow in the coming years:

  • Zirconium is used as a cladding material for uranium rods in nuclear reactors, creating a barrier between radioactive uranium or plutonium fuel and the reactor coolant.
  • Niobium enhances the performance of jet engines and rockets and serves as a key component of superconducting magnets in MRI machines.
  • Dysprosium and neodymium play starring roles in clean energy and defense, including in wind turbines, electric vehicle motors, precision-guided missiles and aircraft systems.

NeoTerrex believes that Galactic positions shareholders to benefit from a discovery thanks to the presence of a peralkaline granitic complex, a common trait of significant critical mineral deposits. The 11,156-hectare project resides 50 kilometres northwest of the mining port of Sept-Îles, Quebec, and within 35 kilometres of a highway and access to electricity.

Mineralogy studies are underway at Galactic to better understand 38 critical mineral occurrences observed since June 2024. Meanwhile, drilling at the company’s Valour copper project remains ongoing, with half the drillholes completed to date and the program expected to be completed before Christmas.

Leadership insights

“A review of the data collected this past summer along with the new assay results paints a clearer picture and magnitude of what our geologists have uncovered,” Mathieu Stephens, NeoTerrex Minerals’ president and chief executive officer, said in a statement. “The fact that 20 per cent of the samples collected in a 5 square-kilometre area contain high concentrations of these critical minerals is quite remarkable and goes to show that follow-up work is required here. In addition, the zirconium values are amongst the highest in Quebec and are comparable to those encountered at the Strange Lake and Crater Lake projects, which are located much further away from any infrastructure, unlike our Galactic project.”

Highlight grab samples from the Galactic project

Occurrence UTME UTMN Nb (ppm) Ta (ppm) Dy (ppm) Nd (ppm) Zr (%)
Andromeda I 640120 5588236 9220 535 3020 6330 5.56
Andromeda II 640092 5588195 866 65.7 552 4580 0.98
Andromeda III 640086 5588170 1730 114.5 449 3290 0.25
Andromeda IV 640152 5588214 4070 199 1915 2270 0.85
Andromeda IX 640173 5588151 2270 63.8 1130 1155 0.47
Andromeda V 640122 5588243 8100 562 1160 2110 9.25
Andromeda VI 640062 5588225 2670 126 352 1300 0.97
Andromeda VII 640212 5588202 2870 132 241 365 0.05
Andromeda VIII 640185 5588174 1750 101 105 239 0.26
Aquarius I 641905 5588183 215 12.75 102 1105 2.51
Canis Major 639980 5587984 4490 189.5 2120 3310 3.79
Canis Minor 640013 5587972 508 66.5 142 1370 0.67
Centaurus I 639854 5587826 10400 408 2410 2860 0.79
Ceres I 639064 5588754 1895 336 1005 16350 0.06
Corvus I 638750 5588914 797 50.6 188 757 4.37
Cygnus I 639699 5588962 3400 172.5 288 1295 7.02
Cygnus II 639693 5588953 2220 102.5 162 270 5.90
Cygnus III 639699 5588887 776 41.5 97 797 0.46
Draco I 638958 5589082 1905 129.5 61 215 0.22
Draco II 638995 5589150 648 63.5 58 1095 0.13
Gemini I 639828 5588994 8880 442 4750 9000 0.64
Gemini II 639821 5588991 5260 273 446 952 0.54
Hubble I 639472 5589687 2490 202 3 6 0.03
Hydra I 639063 5588932 1790 103.5 296 1025 0.31
Orion I 638306 5590349 59 2.51 184 13900 0.00
Pegasus I 638864 5588830 11000 902 539 1710 0.04
Pegasus II 638905 5588812 2440 155.5 244 812 0.55
Sagan I 640110 5588435 1190 69.4 79 102 0.21
Sagittarius I 641309 5588272 5160 229 342 758 0.42
Sagittarius II 641314 5588241 1820 40.5 125 39 0.16
Scorpius I 638940 5588969 2690 178.5 651 5520 2.76
Scorpius II 638930 5588907 2000 116.5 72 225 0.37
Scorpius III 638902 5588964 1640 96.6 182 425 0.60
Taurus I 640501 5587984 1190 50 148 1030 0.92
Ursa I 640496 5587824 3030 120 452 719 0.95
Vesta I 641802 5588123 129.5 7.44 50 1055 0.59

About NeoTerrex Minerals

NeoTerrex Minerals is advancing a portfolio of prospective critical minerals projects in Quebec.

NeoTerrex stock (TSXV:NTX) last traded at C$0.10 per share. The stock has given back 65.52 per cent since inception in January 2024.

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(Top photo of NeoTerrex Minerals management at the TSX: TMX Group)

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