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Morien throws support behind Nova Scotia’s natural resources plan

Jonathon Brown Jonathon Brown, The Market Online
0 Comments| January 24, 2025

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  • Morien Resources Corp. (TSXV:MOX) expressed strong support for the Nova Scotia government’s commitment to the province’s natural resource industry, as outlined in a recent letter from Premier Tim Houston
  • Premier Houston emphasized the importance of making Nova Scotia more self-reliant by leveraging untapped opportunities in energy, minerals, and other sectors
  • He highlighted the significant impact these opportunities could have on reducing poverty and improving the lives of those involved in these projects and their surrounding communities
  • Morien Resources stock (TSXV:MOX) last traded at $0.26

Morien Resources Corp. (TSXV:MOX) has expressed strong support for the Nova Scotia government’s commitment to the province’s natural resource industry, as outlined in a recent letter from Premier Tim Houston.

The letter, sent to his caucus this week, details the Premier’s vision for economic development during his newly elected second term.

Premier Houston emphasized the importance of making Nova Scotia more self-reliant by leveraging untapped opportunities in energy, minerals, and other sectors. He highlighted the significant impact these opportunities could have on reducing poverty and improving the lives of those involved in these projects and their surrounding communities.

“The jobs that come with these opportunities are the best solution to poverty. They will change the lives of those who work on these projects and the communities around them,” he said.

The Premier called for a shift in mindset to move projects forward, stating, “We must take the ‘no’ out of Nova Scotia. Special interests have captured too many parts of our economy and have had an out-sized voice in policy creation. That must end.”

He criticized outright bans on entire sectors as what he called “lazy public policy” and advocated for reversing such bans in favor of meaningful, mature discussions. Premier Houston stressed the need for timely decision-making, saying, “The days of it taking ten years to get projects approved or rejected must end. It is not always ‘yes,’ and it is not always ‘no,’ but we have to stop the ‘maybes’ and decide yes or no.”

The Premier also pointed to the importance on a national scale of advancing the energy and critical minerals sectors, noting that other jurisdictions would envy Nova Scotia’s resource opportunities. “We are blessed with in-demand resources. The potential to grow our resource economy and create a more sustainable Nova Scotia is remarkable and we must send the message that we can do resource projects and get shovels in the ground,” he stated.

The Premier’s full letter is available here.

Morien Resources Corp. holds primary assets that are a royalty on the sale of coal from the Donkin Mine in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and a royalty on the sale of aggregate from the permitted Black Point Project, in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia.

Morien Resources stock (TSXV:MOX) last traded at $0.26.

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(Top image via Morien Resources Corp.)


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