In the current market, finding portfolios with low volatility is not an easy thing to do.
Motif Investing constantly looks for “trends, ideas and world events that could create an investment opportunity,” and then picks 10 to 30 related stocks to build portfolios around, weighing them based on their exposure to the coinciding idea, event or trend.
The people at Motif have developed a portfolio that offers a balance between potential return and reduced volatility: the classic 60/40. The portfolio allocates 60 percent of its assets to stock and 40 percent to bonds, thus offering both hedging and potential return.
The Weight Of Tradition
The people behind the creation of this Classic 60/40 motif explained what they were thinking at the time they constructed the portfolio.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” Leonardo da Vinci once said. Now, this adage “could just as easily ...
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