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WATCH: Interviews With Some Of The Biggest Execs From The Cannabis Capital Conference

Hannah Genig, Benzinga Staff Writer
1 Comment| April 1, 2019

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Benzinga’s 2019 Cannabis Capital Conference in Miami gathered some of the most prestigious cannabis executives, service providers, investors and media in the constantly expanding space. More than 700 attendees had exclusive access to company updates, industry news and more.

Prominent speakers like Hadley Ford of iAnthus Capital Holdings Inc.ITHUF 1.08%, Jessica Billingsley of MJ Freeway and Kim Rivers of Trulieve Cannabis Corp.TCNNF 9.34% served as thought leaders to the multitude of eager investors looking for their next big endeavor in the space.

In an attempt to create additional conversations, Mitch Baruchowitz, Managing Partner of Merida Capital Partners facilitated interviews with these well-known executives. Utilizing his established reputation of full-transparency, blunt questioning and a “straight to the source” interview style, Baruchowitz inquired about several hot button concepts like social justice, industry responsibility and legalization.

For more interviews, company presentations and cannabis investment content, click here. Don’t forget to register for Benzinga’s next iteration of the conference hosted in Toronto, April 17-18!

Hadley Ford, CEO of iAnthus:

Kim Rivers, CEO of Trulieve:

Jessica Billingsley of MJ Freeway:

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