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BP, Crescent Point, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - the 300% chance of the billionaire?

Mario Hose Mario Hose, Apaton
0 Comments| May 11, 2020

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When renowned financial institutions and billionaires have an opinion, it is often heard in the market, especially when it does not correspond to the current mainstream. The more established the name or the bigger the bank account, the more weight this opinion carries with investors. In recent weeks, the oil price has become a plaything for politicians. The decline in demand for crude oil in connection with the restrictions imposed to contain the spread of the corona pandemic, coupled with inconsistencies within the OPEC+ cartel, have even pushed the futures for WTI oil into negative territory on its expiration date in April. This is an unprecedented situation, which is also a foundation for the creation of new wealth. Billionaire Naguib Sawiris and JP Morgen agree on the price trend and expect high potential.

Experiences and expertise

The Egyptian Naguib Sawiris is Chairman and CEO of Orascom Investment Holding and is one of the world's most wealthy individuals. In a recent interview Sawiris gave an assessment of the development of the oil price. Due to the expected change in the competitive situation, the successful company executive believes that the oil price will rise from the current level of about USD 25 to USD 100 per barrel in the next 18 months. The experts at JP Morgen also assume that the oil price could move back into the triple-digit range in the next two years.

Peaceful oil for the future

The opportunities for investors to participate in the oil sector are manifold. In addition to futures, funds and certificates, company shares offer an opportunity to bet on the turnaround of the oil price. The higher the oil price, the higher the margin for the companies. European and Canadian listed companies will be able to profit from the expected boom and, conversely, their shareholders will also benefit.

Especially the importance of environmental protection and the observance of human rights will gain in importance in the future. Modern society attaches great importance to sustainability and ethical integrity. In this context, the purchase of oil from undemocratic countries is highly questionable.

Canada with potential

For example, a diversified portfolio can include various oil stocks from democratic regions. Investors who share the opinion of JP Morgan and Sawiris and believe that oil will continue to play an important role in the economy in the coming years should look at the shares of European companies BP (NYSE: BP) and Shell (NYSE: RDS.A). The shares of Crescent Point (TSX: CPG) and Saturn Oil & Gas (TSXV: SOIL) promise potential in Canada.

The management of the young producer Saturn Oil & Gas has taken up the subject of ESG and plans to expand through acquisitions. Given that the market value of this company is around CAD 27 million, the price potential at the current level of CAD 0.115 is correspondingly high.

We would like to point out that Apaton Finance GmbH, the owner of, as well as partners, authors or employees of Apaton Finance GmbH may hold shares in the aforementioned companies and that there may therefore be a conflict of interest. Further details can be found in our ´Conflict of Interest & Risk Disclosure´.

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