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A Bad Sign For Biotech Bulls
0 Comments| August 20, 2015

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Actually, there are several warning signs for biotechnology bulls, but the focus here is on the Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares (NYSE: LABD).

The newly minted Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares was highlighted on August 7 with the point of that piece essentially being that biotech stocks had just come off a brutal week, which was great news for the first triple-leveraged bearish biotech ETF. Since then, LABD has climbed 17.6 percent, though as is par for the course with leveraged ETFs, that ride higher has not been bump-free.

LABD, which debuted at the end of the May, attempts to deliver three times the daily inverse ...

/ alt=A Bad Sign For Biotech Bulls>Full story available on

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