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Introducing JETS, The Market's Only Pure-Play Airline ETF
0 Comments| May 1, 2015

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U.S. Global Investors launched a brand new exchange traded fund (ETF) on Thursday called the U.S. Global Jets ETF(NYSE: JETS). The new ETF is currently the only airline ETF and provides investors a new, easy pure-play option on the rejuvenated industry.

Benzinga had a chance to speak with Frank Holmes, CEO and Chief Investment Officer of U.S. Global Investors, about the new ETF.

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The JETS ETF is comprised of four tiers of airline stocks.

The top tier will make up nearly half of the ETF’s portfolio and will consist of an equal weighting of the top four domestic U.S. airline stocks based on market cap and load factor. ...

/ alt=Introducing JETS, The Market's Only Pure-Play Airline ETF>Full story available on

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