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Advancing one of Canada’s Highest-Grade Gold Projects

Featured Submission, Featured Submission
1 Comment| May 28, 2018

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Bonterra Resources Inc. (TSX: V.BTR, OTCQB: BONXF, Forum) is a well-financed Canadian gold exploration company, currently moving forward with deposit extension and resource expansion, in and around its new high-grade Gladiator Gold Deposit. We are located in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, in mining-friendly province of Quebec, and advancing to the completion of an updated NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate in second half of 2018. Mr. Peter Ball, our Vice President of Operations, goes into details below regarding company updates and upcoming milestones ahead for the second half of 2018.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Bonterra Resources is a paid client of Stockhouse Publishing.

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