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StockTalk Exclusive! Cannabis Industry Icon Steve DeAngelo

Cindy Broad Cindy Broad, Stockhouse
0 Comments| February 12, 2020

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Steve DeAngelo chats with Cindy Broad for the Arcview 2020 Vision Series First Forum: Cannabis Investing for a New Decade.

Listen to Steve's colourful commentary on everything from surviving the dip, to what's next for the industry, to his views on psychedelics...all from the "Father of the Legal Cannabis Industry."

Steve DeAngelo has spent his entire career at the intersection of cannabis activism and entrepreneurship. As CEO of Harborside Health Center, Steve co-founded and directed California’s most widely acclaimed medical cannabis dispensary – and set a new standard of excellence for the entire industry. Steve also launched the industry’s first lab testing service, Steep Hill Labs. Steve spent the decade of the 1990′s leading Ecolution, Inc. – a pioneering producer of industrial hemp goods that sold to retail stores in all 50 states and 21 countries. Steve played an instrumental role in the passage of Proposition 59, Washington DC’s medical cannabis initiative; co-producing Hempilation I and II CDs with Capricorn Records; and organizing the world famous 4th of July demonstrations at the White House. He was the star of the Discovery Channel’s reality show Weed Wars.

The Arcview Investor Network currently consists of 600+ accredited investors. Over 200 companies have raised more than $270 million as a result of their participation in Arcview.

The event featured presentations and interviews by numerous notable companies including Bhang (CSE.BHNG, OTC:BHNGF, Forum), Sixth Wave Innovations Inc. (CSE.SIXW), Hemptown USA, and BDS Analytics Industry Intelligence Update (BDS is the premier market research firm for the global cannabinoid industry).

The Canadian Securities Exchange and partners, Stockhouse, MNP Accounting, Haywood Securities and Boughton Law presented an educational workshop and insightful discussion on mastering the art if due diligence from a well-rounded capital markets perspective with consideration to both investors and company's needs. Speakers included Maruf Raza (MNP Accounting), Alexander Ruggieri (Haywood Securities), Conrad Nest (Boughton Law), Anna Serin (The Canadian Securities Exchange) and Cindy Broad (Stockhouse).

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