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AI & IoT Innovations Saving Retail During Coronavirus And Beyond

Omri Wallach Omri Wallach, Stockhouse
1 Comment| April 13, 2020

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Click to enlargeIn a time of retail struggles in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the spotlight is on platforms that can help.

Stores and brands have suffered as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has kept people at home, and many non-essential stores have had to close. In the past, this would have been a guaranteed death knell, but technological innovations have changed the game. From online sales and video services to delivery platforms, companies that have enabled businesses to continue working safely are currently front-and-centre.

But brick and mortar retail needs more than a boost, it needs a revolution. Once the pandemic is over, the retail market is still losing money to online stores and advertisers hand-over-fist. That’s why the A.I. and I.o.T. experts at Loop Insights Inc. (TSX-V:MTRX, OTC:VRZPF, Forum) have created innovate solutions that have the potential to save physical retail.

Part of that saving comes in the form of helping in the current market, and the Company has stepped up to the plate in the form of the “Sharing is Caring” initiative launched on March 30. The other is developing a platform that gives retailers and brands added data value where there was none, and is a big reason why Loop Insights has gotten support from big names like Amazon Web Services amongst many other believers.

So how does one revolutionize offline retail and level the playing field, and what does the market need? Loop Insight’s Founder and CEO, Rob Anson, recently spoke with Stockhouse Media to explain what the Company is doing to assist during the coronavirus pandemic and well beyond.

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FULL DISCLOSURE: This is a paid article produced by Stockhouse Publishing.

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