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A Psychedelic & Nutraceutical Opportunity: A Boost for the Brain and Your Portfolio

Dave Jackson Dave Jackson, Stockhouse
2 Comments| September 22, 2020

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A psilocybin mushroom, also known as a magic mushroom, offers infinite medical and scientific potential…from cognitive flexibility to potentially addressing clinical depression and eating disorders. There’s a lot we still don’t know, but one Canadian company is advancing research to find out.

Toronto ON-based Cybin Corporation (P.CYBN, Forum) is a medicinal mushroom life sciences company that views psychedelic substances derived from mushrooms as “boosters for the brain” that can potentially rebuild pathways and break negative patterns all while looking at non-psychedelic medical mushroom extracts as the next wave of nutraceuticals that can optimize overall health.

In this fascinating podcast, Stockhouse Media’s Dave Jackson was joined by Cybin’s newly-minted CEO, Doug Drysdale, to talk about the company’s innovative research into psychedelic mental health sciences, their unique product portfolio, upcoming public listing, and much more.

To download episode, click here.

FULL DISCLOSURE: This is a paid article produced by Stockhouse Publishing.

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