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Health Canada Approvals Set Stage for Revenue Generation

Dave Jackson Dave Jackson, Stockhouse
0 Comments| February 25, 2021

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From the Earth to the Bottle! That’s one Calgary pharmaceutical company’s motto.

Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (TSX-V.VM, OTC: VYYRF, Forum) is focused on sourcing and manufacturing iodine and barium contrast suspension products. These products are in high demand by the healthcare industry for things like X-Rays, MRIs, and CT Scan applications.

Voyageur owns one of the only natural pharmaceutical grade barium sulfate projects outside of China. Recently, it received approval from Health Canada for two of its products.

In this video podcast, Stockhouse Media's Dave Jackson was joined by the Company’s President and CEO, Brent Willis, to learn more about Voyageur’s new company milestones, corporate vision, and the company’s unique business model.


SH: To start, for those who may be unaware of Voyageur, can you tell us about the company and what it does?

BW: Sure. We just received our first two Health Canada approvals for two barium products that are used in the radiographic drug industry, Worldwide, is using x-rays CT scans and MRI scans, and they’re are high consumable products. We have five drugs that we're moving forward with barium sulfate. And we're looking at building a fully integrated company moving forward in this space. And we'll be the only one that's able to do that because we own our own source of high purity, barium sulfate located in British Columbia, Canada.

SH: As briefly mentioned in the intro, you just received approval from Health Canada for two of your products. Can you tell us about those products and what this means for the company?

BW: Well, it allows us to start cash flowing that's number one. And so we're moving forward with a contract manufacturing company calorie called the Alberta Veterinary Laboratories. They just finished building a brand new GMP facility in Calgary and so we can start manufacturing our own products using third-party minerals to begin the whole project. So there's nothing stopping us from moving forward into sales. That's one, two is we're focused on getting FDA approvals as well. The US market right next door, very large, very lucrative, that is a major milestone that we're moving forward to hit. And the whole concept of this full integration is our ability to go out and source and discover and find mineral resources that's used in pharmaceuticals and removing all the layers in supply chain so that we have the most competitive company in the marketplace. And phase two will be our iodine projects, which we can get into later.

SH: You touched on the FDA approvals. Are there any others that you're waiting on?

BW: We have three more products being approved by health Canada, which should be coming in due course. And once we get all five products approved, we have a full suite of products to go to market with, to cover all the different testing applicants.

SH: How do you plan on generating cashflow?

BW: Well, it's all about getting barium sulfate into the bottle and out to market. So we're starting with third-party minerals. We're importing those from China. We have inventory on the ground, we're ready to move, put those into bottles as soon as we get all our formulation work done, we have some testing work to do with ABL, get the whole manufacturing chain in place. And that'll take us a few months and then we're going to go out and hit the market in Canada, and also look at international markets, and after FDA applications it's the doors wide open, and worldwide we're going international on our sales long-term.

SH: You completed a successful private placement earlier this year. What will this actually help Voyageur achieve?

BW: It's very key for us to close that after a very tough year with COVID, it allows us to get number one, our PEA done our preliminary economic assessment of the Francis Creek project done and all the costs in place to understand what it's going to take to get that project into full production. Also with moving forward with AVL and getting cashflow started. And in addition to that, we're also looking at you know, advancing things on our iodine front as well.

SH: Brent, what are the company’s near-term objectives?

BW: Well, near term is cashflow. As I say again, the important thing in this port is this cashflow. So sales and moving forward with getting your products to market and growing our barium sulfate markets internationally and moving forward with our bulk sample on the Francis Creek project. We want to get that done this year and get inventory on the ground from Francis Creek and then move into potentially building our own plant own GMP plants and going into full production with a quarry permits and creating very low costs, barium contrast products for the marketplace.

SH: How are you building a truly fully integrated company in this space?

BW: Well, the key to full integration is removing all the layers in the supply chain. So we're, we're traditionally a mining background company. And when we looked at Francis Creek and realized that the purity of it, we're like, well, let's go in and sell direct to the final consumer. Any company that can do that has the highest margins and the highest growth rates. And that's our main focus. So full integration is a key to moving forward, we have all the tools to do that, and that's what we're going to do moving forward.

SH: In the last three months, your stock has been climbing nicely. What do you attribute to this?

BW: Well, I think, you know, going through the tough year that we've had with COVID, I think investors realizing that we're still hitting our milestones, where we're working hard. Our company is very attractive to a lot of investors because we're at a very low price point moving into a very lucrative market. And we, we came forward with our big milestone and Health Canada approvals, those will be followed with the FDA and we're going to just continue to grow. And I think investors are finally seeing that, hey, this company is for real, these guys are gonna are doing to do what they say. We walk our talk and we're making things happen. So it's an exciting time for us.

SH: If there’s anything else you’d like to add, or think is important, please feel free to elaborate?

BW: I just want to take the opportunity to thank the whole team that's working on this project. We have been doing so much work and we're starting to see some great results and moving forward. And I think it's important for investors to understand how critical it is to be the only fully integrated company in this space. Our goal is to become the only fully integrated company in this space and when we achieve that, it's going to be giving us such a great competitive advantage, and we're very excited about the whole future.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Voyageur Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is a client of Stockhouse Publishing.

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