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Technology For Petro-Lithium Extraction

BTV-Business Television BTV-Business Television,
0 Comments| November 10, 2017

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Petro-Lithium may become a major component for lithium batteries. E3 Metals has secured the majority of Southern Alberta’s Petro-Lithium reservoir. E3 will use leading extraction technologies and is developing the first significant Petro-Lithium resource. In Alberta, lithium in known to exist within the formation water, or "Petro-Lithium", that sits directly below the oil and gas within certain very well understood and highly prolific reservoirs, such as the Leduc Formation. E3 Metals Corp strategically selected the permit areas with the Devonian System in Alberta for their ability to produce large volumes of water, which have been tested in our permit area to be enriched with lithium. E3 Metals holds the largest consolidated land package of metallic and industrial mineral (MIM) permits within the Leduc and other Devonian reservoirs in Alberta. Some of E3 Metals projects and adjacent areas have been tested for lithium historically, and are known to have lithium concentrations as high as 135 mg/L. E3 Metals aims to accomplish: Capturing lithium from “wastewater” produced from mature oil fields Repurposing old oil infrastructure, developing resources without drilling Our land tenure has the potential to deliver a large quantity of lithium enriched brine, this will be required to deliver a globally significant lithium project of circa 20,000t per year of LCE For more information on E3 Metals Corp. (ETMC.V) please fill out the form below.

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