With the surging popularity for online gaming, especially eSports, a higher level of infrastructure is required, but sustaining a reliable backend is a serious challenge.
Enter: AMPD Ventures Inc.
Based in Vancouver, BC, AMPD was founded by industry veterans to host and support cloud computing solutions. These solutions aim to meet the high-performance computing (HPC) requirements of next generation latency-sensitive applications from video games, eSports, to virtual reality setups and big data collection, analysis and visualization.
Being one of the only companies in Canada that is focused on tech solutions for this market, AMPD elevates its value by delivering High Performance Computing (HPC) at “the edge”. While still being a hosted online “cloud based” solution, the infrastructure provides the performance one would expect of a system deployed onsite right in the customer’s office, or in the player’s living room.
Revenue from eSports is projected to reach $1.7 billion (USD) by 2021, but current cloud infrastructure is struggling to meet the demands of low-latency multiplayer game experiences. In addition, emerging technologies such as mixed reality and big data visualization applications, are also outgrowing the limitations of commodity cloud.
AMPD’s solution offers data centres closer to urban environments housing HPC infrastructure, interconnected through optical fiber, meeting the explosive growth in demand from these multiple sectors.
One the founders of AMPD, Anthony Brown, sat down with Derek Shepherd, Director of Capital Markets at Stockhouse, to discuss the ongoing build-out of its HPC infrastructure and the process of going public.
FULL DISCLOSURE: AMPD Ventures Inc. is a client of Stockhouse Publishing.